Sunday, November 1, 2009

you hear that, New York? the frog is staying.

Dear GGRD,
I know in the next few months I have a lot of shin splints, bruises, aching muscles, sweat, hits and hard work ahead of me. That is, assuming you let me join you. Pretty please? I'm a little afraid of you because I know I'm going to have to push myself harder than I have before. I'm also excited about you because you could be really good for me in more ways than one. So, are you ready for me? Because I think I might be ready for you.
Love, your wannabe rookie.

Dear Tapas Bar in the East Village,
Thank you for being eerily quiet and empty on Halloween night, for having an interesting and charming cave-painting-inspired decor, for giving me champagne instead of the cocktail I ordered, and for not being the judging sort. Bless you.
Love, one of the people in the back booth.

Dear New York,
Your version of Halloween is ridiculous. I could have done without the man vomiting and passing out on the train at 1 am, but the singalong among strangers I was privy to ten minutes later made up for it. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your full holiday charm soon.
Love, me.

Dear Life,
Should I be suspicious? I'm afraid to completely enjoy you for fear that something is looming around the next corner. I feel slightly undeserving, to be honest. I'm not sure how I got to be so lucky. If I close my eyes and hold your hand, will you keep leading me down this lovely path? I want to relax, for just a little while.. can I trust you?
Love, still a little guarded.

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