Dear GGRD,
I know in the next few months I have a lot of shin splints, bruises, aching muscles, sweat, hits and hard work ahead of me. That is, assuming you let me join you. Pretty please? I'm a little afraid of you because I know I'm going to have to push myself harder than I have before. I'm also excited about you because you could be really good for me in more ways than one. So, are you ready for me? Because I think I might be ready for you.
Love, your wannabe rookie.
Thank you for being eerily quiet and empty on Halloween night, for having an interesting and charming cave-painting-inspired decor, for giving me champagne instead of the cocktail I ordered, and for not being the judging sort. Bless you.
Love, one of the people in the back booth.
Dear New York,
Your version of Halloween is ridiculous. I could have done without the man vomiting and passing out on the train at 1 am, but the singalong among strangers I was privy to ten minutes later made up for it. I'm looking forward to seeing you in your full holiday charm soon.
Love, me.
Dear Life,
Should I be suspicious? I'm afraid to completely enjoy you for fear that something is looming around the next corner. I feel slightly undeserving, to be honest. I'm not sure how I got to be so lucky. If I close my eyes and hold your hand, will you keep leading me down this lovely path? I want to relax, for just a little while.. can I trust you?
Love, still a little guarded.
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